Thurston Community Alert
Sign up to receive emergency alerts from Thurston County - A free service for our residents. Thurston County Emergency Management, in an effort to keep our citizens safe and apprised of hazardous conditions in the area, uses several types of alerts to warn the public of potential hazards within the cities and unincorporated Thurston County. The system is intended to be used for emergency alerts, as well as non-emergency incidents that may have significant impacts to residents. Emergency Alerts could be related to specific hazards that require some kind of action be taken such as evacuation, shelter in place, boil water orders, etc. Non-emergency alerts could include significant transportation problems with prolonged impacts or significant ongoing police or fire activity. In addition to receiving information on your wireless device, you may also receive notification on your land telephone line or via email. Please provide your preferred method(s) of contact and the alerts you would like to receive notifications for. Registration Trouble? Visit