MIT Alert

Welcome Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) extended community members! This portal is used to manually subscribe to receive MIT Alerts from the Institute. Please note that current students, employees, and some affiliates are automatically subscribed. MIT Alert messages will only be sent for potentially life threatening emergencies that require the community to take action to stay safe or for major disruptions to campus operations (e.g. closure due to weather). For more information on the MIT Alert system, please visit If you have direct questions or requests, please email the MIT Emergency Management staff at

Group Code is optional. If you were provided a group code through a community group or non-profit association enter it here. Otherwise leave it blank.
Does someone help you with your Smart911 profile? Provide their information here. When it is time to update your profile, we will notify them so that they can help you if needed.
In order to keep your profile available to 9-1-1, you must log in every 6 months to ensure that your information is up to date. May we use this number to remind you?
This is the language you will receive alerts and notifications in.
We recommend using your email address for your User ID.
Phone type *
Mobile Other (Land Line, VOIP, Cable)
Terms of Use.